Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Jesus Christ

Have you ever told a lie? How about cheated on a test? Talked badly to your mother or father? Have you ever had lustful thoughts, or lustful actions, towards a boy or a girl? I’m sure you’ve had to say yes to something on this list, probably even everything!

But you may say, “So what? Everyone does these things.
Does this make me a bad person?”

The simple answer is: yes.
The truth is, all of us have sinned in our lives, and apart from Jesus, every single one of us is a bad person!

“There is none righteous, no, not one. All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. (Romans 3:10,23).”

You may think that bad people are the murderers, rapists, and thieves, but you know what? God places all of us in the same category! All mankind is guilty before Him-we have broken His holy commandments, we have all sinned!

So what is God’s punishment for sin?
“For the wages of sin is death (Romans 6:23).”

Whoa! We just saw that we’re all sinners, and now we’ve read that God’s payment for sin is death! This is starting to sound scary…but it’s also true.

Because you are a sinner, you deserve to die. And not just die here on earth, but die an eternal death. Those who do not know Christ are sentenced to an eternity in hell, where they will forever be separated from God. And the thing is, we all deserve to go to hell. We have all earned hell. Because of our sin, because we have not listened to God, that is where we are headed.

Is there any way out? Let’s go on to our next step

We’ve heard some bad news so far, but now let’s hear the good news (and the good news is much better than the bad news is bad!).
Despite your sin, God loves you and wants you to be with Him.

“For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life (John 3:16).”

God loves you with an awesome love. He has a plan for your life, a plan of righteousness, peace, and joy if you will come to Him.

He does not want anyone to go to hell, but desires for every man to join Him in heaven. He wants to give you eternal life, a life in heaven that never ends, a life in heaven that is without any sin, sadness, or sickness.

But in the first step we saw we were all sinners, sentenced to die-so how can we experience the love God has created us for?

Recognize that Jesus died to take the penalty for your sins.

You see, this is our basic problem-God is perfectly holy, and all mankind is sinful. God loves us, but since He is holy He cannot be united with sinful man. His holy justice requires that sin be separate from him and that it be punished, with death.

That’s why man without Christ cannot be made holy. There are many religions, philosophies, and ways of life where people try to be good on their own, or they try to reach God on their own. But it doesn’t matter how many good works you do, how nice you are, how much you want to please God-you cannot reach Him on your own, because you have sinned.

God recognized this problem, however, and He came up with the solution! He knew that man could never reach up to Him-instead, He needed to reach down to man.

So He did.

Romans 5:8, “But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.”

Two thousand years ago, God sent Jesus Christ, His only Son, to live on earth as a man. Jesus lived a perfect life, without sin, and then on the cross became the offering for our sin. What does that mean, “the offering for our sin”? Well, remember that our sin required death? All of us had to die because we have sinned? Jesus took your penalty! You no longer have to die, because He took the punishment.

Jesus bridged the gap between God and man. He is the only way to reach God, the only way to reach heaven, the only way to be free from your life of sin! You do not have to reach up to God, but He reaches down to you. He died for you on the cross.

So what to do next?

Now comes time to make a decision. You recognize that you’re a sinner and deserve to die; you recognize that God loves you and wants to give you life; you recognize that Jesus came to earth and took your penalty. Now you must decide, by faith, to ask Jesus into your life, to be your Savior.
“For by grace have you been saved through faith (Ephesians 2:8)”

In order to be saved, you must have faith, believing that Jesus is the Son of God who died for you. Then repent of your sins-tell God that you’re sorry for the things you have done to offend Him, and ask for His help that you will not turn back to your sinful ways. Ask God to give you a new life where you will live in a new way. He wants you to be “born-again”-a new person, with the Lord of all the universe directing your life.

It is important to make a statement with your mouth to be saved. Perhaps you would like to say this prayer (or another like it)…

Dear Jesus, I believe that you are the Son of God who came to earth to die for my sins. I thank you that You would die for me, a sinner, and I repent for my sins, for the many things I have done that upsets You. I pray today that you would give me a new life by Your Holy Spirit. Make me a new creation, completely changed by You. I proclaim that You are the Lord of my life, and I will follow You all of my days. Thank You Lord for loving me and caring for me, and I love You Lord. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

But remember, just saying this prayer isn’t going to save you-you must truly believe in God and ask Him to change you. There is no magic formula to know God, but instead there is faith in Jesus. If you did say that prayer and you did mean it in your heart, congratulations! You have taken the first step of your new life.

We would like to pray with you and get to know you more. We encourage you to contact us by email us at CCS_Generations@yahoo.com.ph for more information on what it means to be a Christian.

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